
Knight Club events are staffed exclusively by volunteers from our community.   As a small show of appreciation to our volunteers we offer credits to future events as well as free admission to the event they are working.  Room Monitors and Event Staff will earn one free admission to a standard event for every two shifts worked.  Instructors and game hosts earn one free admission for staffing an event.  Assistants to instructors will receive free admission to the current event.  If you wish to become a volunteer, please complete a volunteer application.

To sign up for a shift visit the event from the home page and select a free volunteer ticket.

Volunteer positions at events:

  • Room Monitor – Ensure rules are followed, help keep the space clean and address questions. 
  • Event Staff – The core task from checking in guests to restocking buffet that often occurs behind the scenes.
  • Instructor – Teach a class or teach members how to build an item at a crafting event.
  • Game Host:  Run or teach a role – playing, card, or board game at a gaming event or social. 

Volunteer positions outside events

This is a great opportunity to volunteer between events so that you can play at the events.

  • Facilities – The facilities team keeps the building clean, builds props, minor repairs and sets the rooms before the events.  
  • Moderator – Assist moderating social media forums.
  • Marketing – Assist the marketing director to promote events and club membership. 
  • Administrative – Assist with back-office tasks from member management to event planning.